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Gridiron Club

2017 Penncrest Lions High School

Grid Iron Boosters Club

Executive Committee

President                                              Chris Chelo

Treasurer                                              Jim Conmy

Fundraising                                          Tony Polumba

Secretary                                              Cindy Martin

Tri-Chair                                               Andy Kirkpatrick

Tri-Chair                                               Maria Mahalik



Discount Card Coordinator                 Tony Polumba

Team Meal Coordinator                       Maria Mahalik

Team Meal Caterer                               The Wayside Market

Asst. Meal Coordinator                        Danielle Chelo

Asst. Meal Coordinator                        Linda Cosgrove

Asst. Meal Coordinator                        Open

Asst. Meal Coordinator                        Open

Game Day Coordinator                        Andy Kirkpatrick

Asst. Game Day                                    Tony D’ambrosio

Asst. Game Day                                    Linda Benecke

Asst. Game Day                                    Chrystine Palomba

Program Coordinator                           Jane North

Printer                                                   The Country Press

50/50 Director                                        Open

Website – Twitter – Facebook             Open                       

Homecoming Coordinator                   Bob Steiner

Senior Night Coordinator                    Gemma Rappone                     

Banquet Coordinator                           Open

Banquet Caterer                                   Lia's Catering

Sophomore Team Mom                       Open

Freshmen Team Mom                          Open

Springton Lake Team Mom                  Nicole Carr

Spirit Wear & Uniforms                         Mike Ellison

Webcasts                                               Michael Clarke

Letterman Jackets                                 Open

Photographer                                         Open

Penncrest High School Football

Grid Iron Club Bi Laws

Mission Statement
As parents of Penncrest Football players, we, The Grid Iron Club, are dedicated in supporting our sons and promoting the prosperity of the football team.  As parents of our football players, you are automatically a member.  Welcome !
ARTICLE I                NAME
The Name of this association is:   The “Grid Iron Club”
ARTICLE II               PURPOSE
The purpose of the Grid Iron Club is:
a)      To provide a direct line of communications between the parents, athletes and coaches.
b)      To promote the welfare of the athletes and support the coaches during the football season.
a)      The privilege of membership shall be extended to any parent / guardian of a player on the Penncrest High School Football team & Springton Lake Middle School Football team.
The Executive Committee shall consist of a body of six (6) elected officers.
a)       (6) elected officers:
                     i.         President      (1)
                    ii.          Tri-Chair       (2)
                  iii.         Treasurer      (1)
                  iv.          Secretary      (1)
                    v.          Fund Raising (1)
b)      Chairperson (president) – shall preside at all meetings (if absent chairperson can appoint a tri-chairperson to run the meeting) and give leadership to the organization, stimulate all members to their best effort on behalf of this association and supervise all business.
c)      Secretary – The Secretary shall keep precise records of all meetings of the association and the executive committee, perform such duties as may be delegated to the office, including the handling of all correspondence and publicity.
d)      Treasurer – The Treasurer shall secure all monies of the Grid Iron Club.  Keep accurate records and receipts.  Pay out local funds, voted on by the executive board authorized in Article VIII.  The treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the association, display balanced receipts and other expenditures since the previous meeting.
e)      Fundraiser – The Fundraiser shall work with the association to create new ideas to raise money for the prosperity of the team.
NOTE:  The officers shall be divided as deemed necessary by the executive committee.
ARTICLE V               QUORUM
A Quorum shall consist of a majority of elected officers.

ARTICLE VI             ELECTION OF OFFICERS (Executive Committee)
a)      Nominations for office will be addressed at the last meeting of the year. 
b)      Any member in good standing (as define below) is eligible for appointment to the executive committee.
c)   In order to be eligible to vote for the new executive committee, members must have attended (3) Grid Iron meeting’s
a)      In order to be nominated for executive committee office, nominees must have attended (3) Grid Iron Club meetings
b) Only 1 family member or relative of a member is eligible to be elected onto the Executive Committee. Example: A husband and wife can not serve together on this committee, Brothers and Sisters can not serve together on this committee, etc
a)      The tenure of office shall be for one (1) year. This tenure officially ends on the last meeting when election takes place
b)      In case of a tied vote for executive office, a run-off election shall be held immediately.
c)      Voting for the following year’s executive committee will be held at the last meeting of the previous year.
d)      If a vacancy occurs in any office, the Chairperson shall fill the vacancy, approved by the Executive Committee.
a)  The Grid Iron Club will meet monthly starting in January, then weekly starting in August or September (before the first game) and continuing through till the last game, then the last official meeting will be announced by the chairperson (president).
b)  Meeting schedule --- General membership meeting starts each meeting, the general membership will be dismissed after the meeting, then the Executive Committee meets immediately after the general membership meeting
a)      Projected yearly budget must be pre-approved by the executive committee at the January meeting.
b)      Expenditures of funds in excess of $500.00 shall require advanced approval of the Executive Committee at a regular scheduled or called meeting or by email approval.
c)      Expenditures of funds for transactions involving amount less than $500.00 and that are currently under budget may be paid without authorization, but must be reported at the next scheduled meeting.
d)      Expenditures for item that are not budgeted for or for item that are over budget must be approved by the Executive Committee.
January of each year and at other times deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint an auditing committee of two (2) active members to audit the books, exclusive of elected officers and file a written report prior to the November membership meeting.
Two (2) officer’s signatures must be on file to sign checks.  Two (2) signatures are required to sign checks.
a)      A number of awards are given to the football players each year at the football banquet.  These awards are funded by the Grid Iron Club.  However, all choices for the awards are made solely by the coaching staff and are announced at the banquet.
b)      All four (4) year players will have their original jersey given to them at the expense of the Grid Iron Club.  All four year football players in good standing will receive this award.
Note: Good Standing mean completion of 4 years of high school football either at Penncrest High School or any other high school program, that can be verified by the coach.

These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Grid Iron Club by majority vote from the executive committee, providing notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the previous meeting.


Robert’s Rule of order revised shall govern this association in all cases to which its regulations are applicable and not inconsistent with these By-laws.